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Successfully managing complex programs and projects
across organizations requires more than well-trained project management professionals. It requires an integrated framework, leadership support, well-defined processes, a common understanding and awareness of the processes, and easy access to tools and information that support program management implementation. ​


We help our clients develop a comprehensive framework for managing complex programs and projects and support the implementation of the framework through training, change management, and communications. Our goal is to help you institutionalize program and project management so that your organization benefits from a disciplined approach to managing complexity.


We work with you and your team to find solutions to the following questions:


  • What is the current state of program management and what is the desired future state?

  • What is your operating environment like and how might standard project management processes need to be tailored to suit your environment?

  • How can Senior Managers support program and project management?

  • What organizational cultural barriers are impeding the success of program and project managers?

  • In addition to training, what other guidance or development tools do program managers need to be successful?

  • How might incentives, performance metrics, and evaluations need to change to communicate the importance of performing program or project management effectively?


Program and Project Management

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